JollyHires job search is the only innovative map-based job app that you will ever need, and it is 100% FREE.
1. Install the free JollyHires job app
2. Mention the type of Jobs you are looking for by adding: Job title + location + skills etc.
3. Find jobs around your location on the landing page.
4. To apply for jobs, simply tap on the “Apply” button
5. Track all your job search activities on a real-time basis
1. Instantly find all the available verified jobs around you at once
2. Find the best-matched jobs that suit your profile in Featured Jobs
3. Follow companies you like, and save jobs for future reference.
4. View the complete Company profile and all the details of job openings.
5. Get notified whenever any recruiter views your profile, sends you any screening questions etc.
On the other hand, employers also can post jobs in a few steps and broadcast the job openings on multiple social media platforms with just one-click enabling sourcing of candidates from a wider pool.
The One-Stop hiring platform has all the tool kit needed for hiring managers to engage with candidates and expedite to get better Quality of Hire by using the Screening process.
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