Meet Jeju travel information from Jeju Genie now!
◆ Jeju locals’ restaurants
We recommend ‘real’ local restaurants in Jeju, selected by the credible evaluation of local experts.
◆ Courses that fit your travel concept
If you choose a region that fits your travel concept, you can find a ‘FUN’ course.
◆ live information TALK
Make your trip more fruitful with messages exchanged between local experts or travelers.
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1.[Required] Phone and device information: Access is required for mobile phone status and ID verification.
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2.[Optional] Storage space: Required to provide the photo storage function.
3.[Optional] Location information: Required to provide restaurant information based on the current location.
4.[Optional] Camera: Required for review photo registration and restaurant information registration.
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※ You can also set it in Settings > Application Manager > Jeju Genie > Permissions menu.
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